01. Secure Login

Our Virtual Data Room (VDR) system offers a range of features that allow you to grant access to your project to selected users while protecting against unauthorized access attempts.

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Two-Factor Authentication via SMS (2FA)

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) enhances security by requiring two distinct forms of verification to confirm a user’s identity.

To log into the VDR with 2FA enabled, a user must not only know their password but also have access to a mobile phone that receives an authentication code (fig. 1). This code verifies that the person attempting to log in physically possesses an item linked to the account, making unauthorized access significantly more difficult.

fig. 1

Implementing 2FA greatly enhances security, protecting user data from unauthorized logins even if the password is compromised.

Additional feature: Contact Fordata Customer Support if you want this security feature activated for your project.

IP Address Whitelisting

Restricting login access to specific IP addresses is an effective method to enhance security while enabling more precise management of VDR access.

This feature allows users to log in only from devices using specifically defined IP addresses.

This limits access to VDR data to individuals in a particular location or using a specific network.

As a result, any login attempts from unauthorized IP addresses are automatically blocked, significantly increasing the security level of the system (fig. 2).

fig. 2

Additional feature: Contact Fordata Customer Support if you want this security feature activated for your project.

Changes to Login Process (Password)

Starting in July 2024, we have further strengthened the login security for VDR by enhancing our password policy. All new project users are now required to set passwords that contain at least 12 characters (fig. 3).

fig. 3

We also recommend avoiding repetitive digits or numbers that refer to the current calendar year when creating your password.

Do you have additional questions?

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