01. Document structure - Create and manage a folder structure

Fordata VDR offers the possibility of creating a document tree in several ways. Read the article to choose the method that suits you best.

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I. Moving a pre-existing folder structure using the "Drag and Drop" function

To begin, go to the Documents tab, then Structure management and upload.

Next, drag and drop the selected package of documents or individual file from your computer's directory to the designated location within the VDR structure. (gif.1)

gif. 1

Before starting the document upload session, familiarize yourself with the three checkboxes and decide how you want to proceed.

  • Copy permissions from the parent folder to the uploaded document/folder - All uploaded documents will inherit the permissions already established in the parent folder.
  • Overwrite duplicates - By default, the Fordata VDR does not overwrite duplicates. Therefore, if you want to replace a duplicate, you must select this option before starting the upload.
  • Upload files that cannot be secured - Certain types of documents that cannot be secured due to various reasons (e.g., unsupported file format, excessively large file size) will be uploaded to the VDR in their original versions. As a result, these files will only be available for download, without the capability to preview them within the Data Room system.

After the upload is completed, you have the option to download a brief upload report that the system has generated in an Excel file (fig. 1).

fig. 1

Or you can choose to download it at a later time, as it will remain accessible within the system (fig. 2).

fig. 2

II. Do you have a list of questions? Upload them to an Excel file and import them into the system.

Using your own list of questions, create a tree structure based on the files available in the VDR. Our Excel form allows you to build a directory containing up to 2000 folders and subfolders.

a) Download the editable Excel structure template

Go to the Documents > Structure management and upload tab, then click on the Add Folder Structure button and Download sample file (fig. 3).

fig. 3

b) Complete the File as per Instructions

Open Excel, read the instructions, and then go to the worksheet where you will start organizing the structure:

  1. Enter Folder and Subfolder Names: Fill in the "Folder Name" column with the names of your folders and subfolders.
  2. Define Folder Levels: For the main folders, place an "x" in the "Level 1 Index" column (col. B). For the remaining folders, designate their nesting level by adding an "x" in the corresponding column from B to U.

Please note that each row should contain only one "x".

c) Import the created structure into the system

Return to the structure addition panel (fig. 3) and click on the Import File from Computer button. Then, indicate the completed structure's Excel file, confirm, and save. In a brief moment, the system will create a functional preview of your structure. This allows you to ensure everything is correct before proceeding with the upload to the VDR.

Don't forget to copy the permissions as well, ensuring immediate visibility of the structure (fig. 4).

fig. 4

III. Managing Folders and Structure Changes (Adding, deleting, renaming, or relocating folders in the structure)

As an Administrator, you can manage the tree structure of folders and uploaded documents in a comprehensive manner.

  • To enact changes to the structure, navigate to the Documents > Manage Structure and Upload tab. From there, right-click on the desired element (folder or file) to unveil a list of management choices.
  • As shown below (fig. 5), you have many useful functions at your disposal:

fig. 5
UPLOAD FILE Upload a single file into the selected folder (highlighted in green).
UPLOAD FOLDER Upload an entire folder with documents into the selected folder.
CREATE FOLDER Name and create a new folder that will appear inside the selected folder in the structure.
DOWNLOAD Download the file or contents of the selected folder without watermarks (original file format).
PERMISSIONS Edit group permissions for the selected file or folder.
ADD TAG Add a tag to a file or folder to facilitate browsing.
RENAME Rename the file or folder.
DELETE FOLDER Permanently delete a document or folder from the VDR.
CUT Cut the file or folder to later move it to another location in the structure.
PASTE Paste the file or folder inside the selected folder.
PASTE BELOW Paste the file or folder below (but at the same level) as the selected folder in the structure.
PASTE ABOVE Paste the file or folder above (but at the same level) as the selected folder in the structure.
COPY PATH Copy the full path of the selected file or folder location.

  • Additionally, as part of management, you can move folders from one place to another using Drag and Drop. Click on the folder, hold it, then move it to the desired location in the structure and release (gif. 2).

After releasing, the system will ask you to confirm the location change.

gif. 2

If you still need support with the structure, contact us. We have years of experience in designing optimal solutions for our clients, so we can take care of it as part of our offered organizational support*.

*Organizational support is available from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, and is provided free of charge under selected types of agreements.

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