05. Q&A Forum - User Manual

As part of your project involvement, you have access to a tool that facilitates internal communication with counterparts via the Q&A Discussion Forum. Whether you're an investor or a research party, you can initiate new threads, pose multiple questions within a single thread, and attach a document for discussion all of which is conveniently accessible within the Virtual Data Room.

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Asking New Questions:

  1. Navigate to the User Forum tab.

    Click on ASK A QUESTION.

    Compose your message:

    • Optionally, attach a document (specify the documents in VDR).
    • Optionally, prioritize the question as high (add a label to the thread).
    • Mandatory: specify the question category.
  2. Click SEND (gif. 1).
gif. 1

Responding to New or Existing Threads:

  1. Select a thread and click on its topic.
  2. Click REPLY.
  3. Write your message.
  • optionally - attach a document (specify the documents in VDR).
  1. Click SEND (gif. 2).
gif. 2

As a forum user, please note that you do not have the capability to delete entire threads or individual replies. Furthermore, any messages or responses you provide will be shared with the entire team of moderators; it is not possible to specify a particular recipient.

The paperclip icon next to a thread signifies that the author has attached a document to it, indicating their selection of a document from the VDR for discussion (fig. 1).

The thread number is assigned randomly to aid navigation within the Q&A, especially when numerous threads are involved in an ongoing discussion (fig. 1).

The red flag icon next to a thread indicates that the author has designated it as high priority. This is optional and serves for informational purposes only (fig. 1).

Do you have any additional questions?

The #FORDATAteam is here for you.

Contact us via email at support@fordatagroup.com

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EMEA +44 204 584 3861

APAC +852 21 582 983

Americas +1 917 779 9339

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